I listened to a podcast that talked about how it’s just as important to have a “Good Evening” routine as it is to have a “Good Morning” routine.

I am (obviously) a huge advocate of a Good Morning routine - hence Mondays Are Good Days - but it made me think about how I’m always encouraging you to put energy and intention into your wakeups and your mornings for a good TODAY, but what about everything we can do in the evenings to make a happy TOMORROW?

Here are a couple end-of-the-day rituals that I’ll do for myself. To have a good week, I encourage you to set intentions to build success and momentum for the next day. I know you got all the power inside of you!

- Write out my schedule for the rest of week, go through EACH DAY. Include at least 2 workouts per week (or join me and increase the intensity to 5 times/week!) 💪👏

- I will let my phone die completely by the time 5.30pm comes around. Once the screen turns black, I will spend deliberate time on my hammock, reading this new paralleled-language book of short, Spanish stories 📚

Set time aside to disconnect from the DIGITAL WORLD. Ahhhh it makes me feel mad sometimes! Go dive into a bike, paint a picture, go on a walk, do that workout, go lay in the sun.

- I am sitting with my thoughts and my own breath and I am making a promise to be fully engaged and present in all conversations and interactions ahead of me; I will be grateful for them instead of maybe wishing I was left alone. ⠀

We don't want to dread the days ahead of us; let's be excited by them, aroused by what's happening, what's to be accomplished, and all those unplanned moments that will bless us with the randomness of life. ⠀

That's my list. Now it's your turn. MAKE those MOVES this week!⠀


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